Ladies Spring Tea

Ladies Spring Tea

Deadline to register is April 11, 2025.

We invite you to come and join us for our Ladies Spring Tea event to help the Angel Foundation FL collect gift cards to distribute to our Angel families facing a crisis such as cancer or other catastrophic events throughout the year.

As a Table Hostess, there is no cost to you to host a table of 8. Hostesses simply decorate your table with a theme of your choice and invite 7 friends whose admittance is a $25 Visa, Walmart or Publix Gift Card.

Hostesses have the choice of providing their own refreshments or purchasing items from our pre-selected menu (to be determined) to serve your guests and available that evening for you to place at your table on your serving dishes.

You and your guests will enjoy a wonderful evening to celebrate with friends, enjoy a fashion show hosted by our friends at Mainstream Boutique and Agape Chic Consignment Boutique and hear an inspiring presentation.

If you would like to be a Table Hostess, attend as a guest, donate an item for the silent auction, or become a Business Sponsor (see attached sponsorship opportunities, please email or call the Foundation office at 813-689-6889. 

Our Mission

The Mission of the Angel Foundation is to partner with businesses and individuals to be a caring resource for families in our community experiencing temporary crisis due to a life-threatening illness or catastrophic event.

Hope Served

Families Served
1 +
Volunteer Hours
1 +
Dollars Raised
$ 1 Million+
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